Our story began over 75 years ago.
Lancaster Monument was established by Roland Roggensack at 334 W. Elm Street in 1940. In 1962, Robert Meyers purchased the business from the Roggensack family and expanded the production area. In 1966, Walter & Rosemary Yager bought the business from Mr. Meyers. During the years that followed, they worked together to grow and modernize the family business. Walter and Rosemary were involved in all aspects of the monument business including sales, purchasing granite from quarries around the country, carving of the headstones, pouring foundations and installing the finished product.
Walter Yager passed away in 1990, and, soon after, Rosemary sold the business to Peter Troost Monument Company, another family owned and operated organization founded in 1889. Rosemary Yager Kuenster continued to run the business for the Troost family until she retired in 2012. Between 2013-2015, over $50,000 was invested in the Lancaster Monument facility to remodel and expand it for the benefit of our customers and employees.
Today, in addition to headstones, the business has expanded to include products and services such as bronze plaques, stone signs and public veterans memorials. Granites are now purchased from around the world to give our customers the largest selection at the best possible price. What hasn't changed however is our commitment to serve the families of southeastern Wisconsin with personal attention and a promise of complete satisfaction. We look forward to learning how we may be of service.